now Hiring!

Please contact us if you are interested in a position in the Roberts-Galbraith laboratory.

Post-doctoral candidates:  We are currently accepting postdoctoral applicants through the Future Faculty for Inclusive Research Excellence (FFIRE) program. Please apply here and let Rachel know if you have additional questions.

Graduate students and prospective graduate students:  Most prospective graduate students should apply to UGA through the Integrated Life Sciences program.  ILS Students interested in rotating in the Roberts-Galbraith laboratory should contact Rachel to arrange a meeting to discuss the lab, our current research interests, and availability of rotation spots. We are primarily interested in recruiting students with experience in developmental biology, regeneration, cell biology, genetics, or neuroscience. However, motivated students who lack this experience may also be successful candidates for available graduate positions.

Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) prospective students:  Prospective post-bacc students should apply to UGA through the PREP program.  

Undergraduate students:  We do not currently have any available positions in the laboratory, but you can always check in to see when we will be hiring next!  We give priority to 1st/2nd year students who are interested in committing to a research opportunity for 3 or more semesters (which could include summer term).  Interested students should fill out an application and email Rachel to set up a time to discuss your interest in the lab.  Interested students should also check out the Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities for additional information about getting course credit or receiving a research assistantship/summer fellowship.