Summer in the R-G lab

We had a new lab member join in June, with undergraduate student Jada beginning her research experience in the lab.  Alicia and Princess continued their research in June, working on some RNAi and finishing up some of their experiments.  The undergraduate crew will present their work at lab meeting in late July.  All 3 summer students have been thoughtful, enthusiastic, and hard-working.  So it has been my pleasure to have them in the lab!

I have been writing some and moving some grants forward on multiple fronts.  I have been very grateful to have received good advice, example proposals, support, etc. from my colleagues at UGA and beyond.  That makes a hard job (getting funding) more enjoyable and manageable.

Jennifer (graduate student) and Britessia (technician) have continued chipping away at their projects through the summer.  Jennifer had her first committee meeting this month and we are both really glad to have such excellent scientists and mentors on her "team!"  (Jim Lauderdale, Cordula Schulz, and Doug Menke-- thanks all!)

We already have a few graduate students lined up for rotations in the fall.  I am REALLY looking forward to having them rotate in the lab and launch some new projects.  The rotations will be fast, but hopefully fun and productive!  Fall's around the corner!