We’re excited to get off to a good start in 2019 in the R-G lab. We welcomed Tulip and Garrett as new members of the lab and the undergrads should be back with us starting tomorrow.
Since Tulip and Garrett had rotation projects that don’t necessarily become thesis projects, we used today for a vision-sharing meeting and project pitch. I talked about the ideas that I have for projects and my priorities for these projects, as well as preliminary data and where each project would likely go in the next few months. I am hoping that this meeting will make my vision clearer for the group and will also give the new students some sense of context and ownership as they launch their own projects.
This meeting helped me to clearly lay out my plans/vision (which wasn’t too tough with the grant writing I have been staying busy doing), so hopefully this is something we can do on a yearly (or so) basis. I hope it was fun for the rest of the lab, too!