Spring 2020 wrap-up

I haven’t posted much this semester, mostly due to the big upheaval that the lab has experienced this semester. For the past two months or so, we have been out of lab (except for “essential” activities like a very minimal level of animal care) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lab members have done an amazing job of adapting to this difficult situation, with Tulip working on preparations for her qualifying exam, Jennifer writing a draft of her first manuscript, Britessia keeping the lab running and working on data analysis, and undergraduate students completing presentations for our CURO symposium and for a semester-end lab meeting by Zoom (pictured below). All lab members have shown extraordinary resilience and have done a lovely job supporting each other. We are all excited about getting back to our science, but first and foremost we are working hard to keep ourselves and each other safe and sane.

This is not a situation that I feel like I could have prepared for as a junior investigator, but I am so grateful for my lab members for their positive attitudes and openness as our little community faces this challenge together. I miss them a lot and look forward to being back to normal operations as soon as it’s safe to do so!

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