Summer updates

The lab has done a great job of making the best of our forced absence from lab due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Graduate student Jennifer has been working on a manuscript and presented her work virtually at the Society for Developmental Biology meeting. Graduate student Tulip has been working on preparations for her qualifying exam – writing a proposal and studying up on lots of interesting topics. Technician Britessia has been keeping the ship afloat! RRG presented the lab’s work at the Southeast Regional Society for Developmental Biology meeting, worked on a Perspective article for Science, and wrote a methods chapter. From March to June, we were only permitted to do essential work (e.g. keeping our planarians alive), but since June we have started to ramp back up and are now working at ~50% capacity. We are doing our best to prioritize experiments for a few projects that are close to completion. Everyone has done an excellent job in planning and being flexible. We are also making plans for rotation students this fall. Because of the extra challenges of social distancing, we are making training videos to supplement in-person training. We also have a fun idea for working on a review article as a group this fall. So stay tuned!