A new (academic) year...

We’re excited (and maybe a little trepidatious) about a new academic year here at the University of Georgia. I (RRG) am teaching Cell Biology again (CBIO3400), which will be online. Though online teaching is a little disappointing, the course plan is really exciting and I’m looking forward to meeting a new cohort of students. I’m also teaching a small first year seminar on undergraduate research opportunities, so that will be fun. We have two ILS students joining us for the first rotation, Taylor Medlock and Justin McCurdy. We’re excited to have some new folks in the lab and have done a lot over the past several weeks to make training them easier and more effective (e.g. making training videos, reorganizing the lab). It’s an experiment but hopefully we’ll be able to give them a great training experience despite the pandemic still very active in our state! We’re taking a little hiatus from having new undergraduate trainees in the lab, but look forward to having some new undergrads join us in coming semesters.