Successful ILS recruitment season

We have had a busy fall and are entering the homestretch of our last ILS rotation. We have been joined by 5 talented Ph.D. students, all of whom have been really wonderful visitors to the lab. We’re excited that two students, Christina Endara and Skylar Settles, have decided to join the lab for their Ph.D. work. We’re really excited that we get to work with you in the coming years, Christina and Skylar!

Taylor and Kendall did a fantastic job training our rotation students and mentoring these students in their first semester of graduate school. I am always proud of how our research community welcomes others and provides a rich, rigorous, and supportive training environment for new students. It has been fun to get to work with each rotation student this year. We’re eager to get Skylar and Christina integrated in the lab in early 2023 and to get them matched up with some exciting projects. More exciting science coming soon!