What we're up to...

Lots of new things going on in the lab. Here’s what we’re up to!

  • Jen just posted her paper as a preprint here. We also submitted this paper, fingers crossed!

  • Tulip is writing her manuscript and finishing up experiments. Stay tuned soon to hear more about her work on planarian glia!

  • Kendall and Taylor have some exciting hits from their screen of neural regeneration regulators. They are also preparing for their qualifying exams.

  • We are working on a collaborative review on planarian behavior. Stay tuned for that, soon, too!

  • Graduate students completed their Individual Development Plans and thought a lot about what they want to accomplish this year.

  • Our undergraduate students are doing really well. Andres has applied for some summer research programs and will head to MIT this summer. Alejandra is preparing for the MCAT. Both are making progress on their projects, troubleshooting (sometimes!), and learning lots.

  • Rachel Grimes is finishing up a screen and is making a decision on which Medical School to attend soon.

  • We are hosting a high school student for the first time! Ariel Robinson is a senior at Clarke Central High School.

  • We had our first ever “Merge Meetings” - join lab meetings with Dr. Mansi Srivastava and a few of her trainees. We also tried out a lab meeting dedicated to learning to be better writers. Great job, team!

  • We are looking forward to a new season of Flatworm Fridays seminars.

  • Rachel (R-G) sat on an NIH study section, which was a great learning experience. She is also co-teaching Advanced Developmental Biology (CBIO8300) this Spring! RRG is also trying to get some experiments done this Spring and is looking forward to a summer research trip to University of Kentucky to visit Dr. Beth Duncan as part of the SEC Travel program.