Other summer lab news and events!

1) Rachel headed to the McKnight Foundation Symposium for Neuroscience for the first time (after some cancellations or inability to travel because of COVID). It was an inspiring symposium and she even tried out some white water rafting!

2) The lab was awarded its first R01, from NINDS. It will fund our work on neurogenesis and neural maintenance in the context of robust brain regeneration. The lab got Rachel a cake to celebrate (I don’t actually like this kind of cake, they are teasing me!).

3) Due to our busy schedules, we tried a lab symposium as a catch-all for the lab meetings we would normally have had over the summer. We worked on a lab mission statement (still in progress), did an exercise to work on citation practices, and we all presented either research progress reports or journal clubs or practice talks! It was a fun option and we might try it again!

4) I worked on some collaborative experiments with Dr. Kelly Hines (Chemistry). It was fun to try something new and to get to work with my friend!

5) We had a lab cleanup day! Woohoo!

6) We had some fun lab lunches to celebrate our group. Here, we are sending off Alejandra, who is going to take a gap semester and then return to UGA to finish up and graduate. We miss her already!