Welcome to new lab members!

Our lab has grown by a few folks this semester, even as we have seen a few undergraduate students complete theses and move on to new adventures (we miss them already!).

Ph.D. students Camila and Jazmine are joining us from the ILS program at UGA. Camila has joined the Department of Cellular Biology and Jazmine has joined the Neuroscience Program. We are currently working on project ideas and excited to send them off into their thesis projects!

PREP (post-bacc) student Saraí is joining us for the semester as well, which she will balance with interviews for her Ph.D. programs. She will work with technician Chris on signals important for regeneration.

And Raul is joining our excellent undergraduate team. He will be mentored by Kendall and will focus on identifying proteins important for synapse formation in planarians.

Welcome all! :)