We are wrapping up the summer in the R-G lab and have had an exciting past few weeks.
First, RRG and her writing buddies (Dr. Melanie Reber and Dr. Amanda Frossard, UGA Chemistry) submitted their NSF CAREER applications. We celebrated with some cookie dough at a place we had been wanting to try.
Second, Sara Anne presented a poster at the end-of-summer symposium for REU/NSURE/etc. students on campus. She did a great job.
Third, our summer undergrads have been hard at work on their research, as well as their mini-papers and lab meeting presentations. They have done an excellent job and have worked as a strong team, too.
Fourth, graduate students Tulip and Jennifer have been hard at work on their research and preparing for committee meetings. Tulip did very well at her first committee meeting last week so she has made it through that hurdle. Jennifer is gearing up for her qualifying exam next week. She submitted her proposal earlier in the summer and has been practicing for the oral part of her proposal defense. She’s totally ready to go!
RRG, Dr. Reber, and Dr. Frossard - writing buddies and also eaters of dessert.
Sara Anne McCommon presenting her NSURE research at the Summer Symposium.
RRG lab celebrating our summer’s progress (and our undergrad team’s first semester in the lab) with a lab lunch