It has been a busy summer in the RRG lab, with three NSURE rotation students and Sara Anne McCommon (USC-Aiken) joining us for her “home lab” for the remainder of the NSURE program. She is really learning a lot and we really appreciate her hard work and enthusiasm.
Labo, Rachel, and Raag are also hard at work during their first term in the lab as undergraduate researchers. They are really making progress with their projects, asking great questions, and thinking deeply. I’m really glad to have them in the lab and look forward to seeing what they accomplish!
Tulip and Jennifer are also hard at work on their projects. They will have their first committee meeting (Tulip) and qualifying exam (Jennifer) this summer, so they have also been preparing for those events. They are learning a lot and stretching to take more leadership roles in the lab.
And of course Britessia has been helping me to organize the lab, train the students, and prepare for our recirc system build. She is really a rock for our research group.
I have been trying to manage all of these projects and also work on my first NSF proposal. I also have reviewed some grants and papers, written several letters of recommendation, and started preparations for my classes this fall. The summer is flying by and we are getting some stuff done!